Christmas Break

Varsity Basketball set for Friday December 10th has been moved up to 3pm today. They will play Varsity girls followed by Varsity boys! The Minatare Booster Club will still be holding their Bake Sale in the Minatare Safe Room.

To the Past, Present and Future Veterans, Thank You for your service! We honor you!

Mark your calendars for our Annual Bingo/Title I Night.
Thursday November 18th 6PM in the Minatare Elementary Gym.

The Minatare Cheer Squad is hosting their annual fundraiser dinner and Bingo night!
This year’s theme is Fiesta Night. Friday, November 12th in the Minatare Elementary Gym.
Menu: Tacos, beans, rice, dessert, and drinks. Price is $8 per person (includes 5 games of Bingo). There will be Bingo prizes and a Silent Auction with some amazing items.
All money raised will help the team purchase new shoes and pay State Cheer costs. Please plan to attend and help support our Minatare Cheer Squad!

Dionicio Hernandez & Jay Peterson participated in the Tenor/Bass Choir Day at Chadron State today!

Don't forget No School Pre-k-12 Students and Staff on Friday 10-29
Enjoy your Weekend!

Top Tips for Halloween Safety:
Carry glow sticks or flashlights, use reflective tape or stickers on costumes and bags, and wear light colors to help kids see and be seen by drivers.
Join kids under age 12 for trick-or-treating.
Slow down and be alert! Kids are excited on Halloween and may dart into the street. Turn on headlights early in the day to spot kids from further away.
Remind kids to cross the street at corners or crosswalks.
When selecting a costume, make sure it is the right size to prevent trips and falls. Choose face paint over masks when possible. Masks can limit children’s vision.

Fiesta Night Cheer Squad Fundraiser...Coming up November 12