The Minatare Junior High Boys advance to the next round in the MAC Tournament. The will play on Saturday February 10th at 9AM in Gurley. Congratulations & Good Luck. Jason Hall Nick Calihua-Gonzales Eli Hernandez Izaiah Lowry Israeli Calihua-Gonzales Adan Perez Roberto Sanchez Sebastian Lovato Noah Griffee
about 1 year ago, Minatare Public Schools
No School All Grades on Friday February 9th. Reminder that next week is Parent-Teacher Conferences. Conferences will be held on Thursday February 15th from 4:30-7:30PM at Minatare Elementary School and Friday February 16th from 8:00AM-12:00PM. No School All Grades on Monday February 19th. Staff Mid Winter Conferences all day. School resumes on Tuesday February 20th at regular times. Friday February 23rd is a Regular School Day Grades K-12.
about 1 year ago, Minatare Public Schools
Have a student that attends school in ESU13 area and needs a tutor or some extra help...They have a pilot program that you can now try out for them...go to and register to get help from Education students at Chadron State College, Wayne State College, and Peru State College. This resources is free if your child attends school in a ESU13 area.
about 1 year ago, Minatare Public Schools
Looks like our fantastic group of 4 had a wonderful time at the Chadron State Band and Choir festival over the last 2 days. You all are awesome! Skyler Montgomery, Yoselin Reyes, Jackson Schwartz, and Alex Hall. Accompanied by the ever so talented Mrs. Stacey Sailors.
about 1 year ago, Minatare Public Schools
​You can tune in tonight and watch Minatare High School students, Jackson Schwartz, Yoselin Reyes, Alex Hall and Skyler Montgomery perform at 5PM in the High Plains Band & Choir Festival.
about 1 year ago, Minatare Public Schools
Reminder that there is no school for students & staff on Friday February 9th, grades PreK-12.
about 1 year ago, Minatare Public Schools
Join us today for the last Junior High Basketball game at Home today VS. Banner County. Girls action starts at 1:00pm, followed by boys. Good Luck to both of our teams & coaches. Go Big Red!!!
about 1 year ago, Minatare Public Schools
JH Basketball
Yoselin Reyes, Jackson Schwartz, Alex Hall and Skyler Montgomery along with Mrs. Sailors will be traveling to Chadron on Monday February 5th and 6th to perform in the Chadron High Plains Music Festival. We are very proud of you all!
about 1 year ago, Minatare Public Schools
The Minatare Indians will be traveling to Cody-Kilgore, Saturday February 3rd. Departure time is 9:00AM. Girls play at 2PM, followed by Boys. Good Luck and safe travels.
about 1 year ago, Minatare Public Schools
Happy Groundhog Day! For the first time since 2020, Punxsutawney Phil DID NOT see his shadow, signaling an early Spring. Phil is hitting .300 in his predictions over the last decade.
about 1 year ago, Minatare Public Schools
Come support our Minatare athletes this Friday night February 2nd, starting at 5PM with Girls Basketball! Boys to follow!!!!🏀 If you wear a Minatare School shirt, your admission is FREE!!! Parent's will be announced beginning at 4:30PM. Get on your School Attire ❤️🖤❤️🖤 and join us for our Last Home Basketball game!!! GO BIG RED!!!!!!!!
about 1 year ago, Minatare Public Schools
Thursday February 1st Varsity Girls & Boys Basketball @ Chappell Varsity girls start at 5PM, followed by Varsity boys.
about 1 year ago, Minatare Public Schools
Today Minatare Junior/Senior High School celebrated their academic excellence. There are 3 levels that the students can achieve,. Red Level: Superintendents Honor Roll for the quarter, no absences/tardy for the quarter, no office referrals for behavior and 8 Teacher recommendations. Those students include; 6th Grade: AnaCecilia Reyes, AnaLucia Reyes. 8th Grade: Saya Newlin. 9th Grade: Yarely Herrera, Bayleigh Lacy, Jimena Perez. 10th Grade: Saidey Garza, Yoselin Reyes. 12th Grade: Miah Garza Black Level: Principal's Honor Roll for the quarter, no more that 9 periods of undocumented absences and no more that 2 tardies, No more that 1 referral to the office and recommended by 6 teachers. Those students include: 6th Grade: Riley Senter, Chloe Montgomery, Jimena Ramirez-Cazares. 7th Grade: Israeli Calihua-Gonzales, Axton Merrigan. 8th Grade: Ciara Cole, Zoe Pedotto. 9th Grade: Aaron Neumann 11th Grade: Jay Peterson 12th Grade: Cassiana Gutierrez, Hadlee Peterson, Aaron Suhr, Dakota Taylor. White Level: Educators Honor Roll for the quarter, no more than 18 periods of undocumented absences/no more than more than 4 tardies, no more than 2 referrals to the office for the quarter and recommended by 5 Teachers. Those students include: 6th Grade: Aubrie Quintanar 7th Grade: Naveaha Clarke, Jenessa Pedotto 8th Grade: Adan Perez, Madeleleine Ramirez-Camargo 9th Grade: Calvin Douglass, Anastasia Lovato 10th Grade: Yvonne Kreiling, Tayson Pedotto, Jacelyn Prouty. Congratulations to all of you!
about 1 year ago, Minatare Public Schools
Winter Sports Parent Night for Basketball, Cheer, Band/Choir: Friday, February 2, 2024. Parents/Guardians will be announced beginning at 4:30PM. There will be a Game Day apparel basket raffle (tickets $1 each: proceeds go towards the Minatare Yearbook Program). There will be a free throw/half court contest during both halftimes (with prizes for the winners) Sponsored by the Minatare Cheerleaders.
about 1 year ago, Minatare Public Schools
Winter Sports Parent Night for Basketball, Cheer, Band/Choir: Friday, February 2, 2024. Parents/Guardians will be announced beginning at 4:30PM. There will be a Game Day apparel basket raffle (tickets $1 each: proceeds go towards the Minatare Yearbook Program). There will be a free throw/half court contest during both halftimes (with prizes for the winners) Sponsored by the Minatare Cheerleaders.
about 1 year ago, Minatare Public Schools
Parents night
Thank you to Coby Ross, Karol Garduno, Mary Suhr, April Newlin, Trevor Schwartz and Jackie Meyers for shaping the future of our Schools and ensuring that every student receives the best education. Your commitment to Education, to our Staff, to our Students and to our Community, does not go unnoticed! #SchoolBoardMonth
about 1 year ago, Minatare Public Schools
Today's Senior Spotlight, Class of 2024, Cassiana Gutierrez
about 1 year ago, Minatare Public Schools
Today's Senior Spotlight, Class of 2024, Miguel Calihua-Gonzales
about 1 year ago, Minatare Public Schools
Way to go Minatare Students!!! Outstanding efforts by all of you! 2nd Quarter & 1st Semester Honor Roll.
about 1 year ago, Minatare Public Schools
honor roll
honor roll
Bayard is planning to stream the MAC band clinic concert at 5:00 pm on the following link:
about 1 year ago, Minatare Public Schools